How men can fall in love with life
I don't love patriarchy. We agree at best that it's an ineffective system for creating and supporting happy healthy, wealthy people, communities, and economies.
I mean, well done to it. It's had a good go!
But I don't want to smash patriarchy, or tear it down. I have no desire to use the same energy to cancel a system as the system uses to oppress the people born under it.
This system of oppression hurts ALL people. Women AND Men, White people and Black and Brown people. EVERYONE.
It's a system designed for non-stop production and consumption. It forces people to take on roles and identities that do not support happiness or connection. We know it engenders misogyny and racism.
Violence against women and girls is still an urgent issue, one I believe we can all help end by facilitating healing for men, with LOVE.
Men experience, subtly and overtly, endless pressure to conform to a narrow prescription of masculinity, to compete with one another, and to prove their manhood.
Many men I know cope by over working, over working-out, over drinking and over medicating, over you-tubing.
They aren't creating at their highest level, finding solutions, or connecting, with themselves and their loved ones.
The aren't in love with LIFE.
And I truly wholeheartedly believe that being in love with life is for everyone.
E V E R Y O N E.
I'm offering my specialist Life Coaching services to men. Men who want happier, healthier, wealthier and more connected lives. Men who KNOW that this is possible but just don't know HOW.
I know the how. I can help.
Book a free consultation here on my calendar to talk with me about how 1:1 coaching works and how it can help you to live a happier, healthier, wealthier and more connected life.