Meet Jo Renshaw

I’m Jo, Mother to Flo, my grown up daughter.

Not so long ago I was very lost.

Back in 2013, a pile of unmanageable debt forced me to address my mindset around money.

As I worked to change my thoughts about money to thoughts that felt better I noticed that I felt better about all sorts of things; my relationship, my body, my career.

Since then I've gone on to quit smoking and run four marathons, end an abusive relationship, process a family bereavement and meet the love of my life. On the way I changed career (more than once) paid off my debt, trained as a Life Coach and created a successful business, helping people more alive and connected and become the next version of themselves.

Coaching gave me direction and helped me create a map for my life at a time when I felt lost.

This is what working with a me as your Life Coach can do for you too, as it has also done for a my clients in the last 5 years.

Today I know solutions are as available to me as they are to anyone.

You don’t need anyone’s permission (spoiler alert; you’ll never get it anyway) you don’t need to be better, bigger, richer, more educated, thinner, fitter... you don’t need to change anything or anyone outside of yourself (also, you can’t).

I’m going to show you how changing the way you think about your life is the one thing that will change your life.

I trained with The Coaching Academy in the UK and The Life Coach School in the US. My career background includes, Shoot Production, Steiner Waldorf Education, Marketing and a stint waiting tables before setting up my own business the week the world locked down in 2020.