Why you should do things that scare you

Do you do things that scare you?
I love/hate to do things that scare me. But usually mostly always, nothing bad happens.
NOTHING BAD happens when you do things that scare you.
Even though your brain is freaking the freak out 'Are you CRAZY? What will they SAY? You're going to embarrass EVERYONE. You're going to make a MASSIVE fool of yourself. They'll ALL hate you. You'll NEVER make any money, you'll end up destitute and die'
That's just a small sample from the inside of my primitive brain yesterday before this set of images got posted on Brighton Lace to 14.7k followers for their At Home Campaign which I'm honoured to be part of. Photographs of a perimenopausal woman in divine lace underwear, owning it like a badass.
I'm not going to lie, I was scared.
Nobody hates me (that I know of, and if they do I really feel sorry for them because they don't know the awesomeness that they're missing 🤷🏻‍♀️) I'm not destitute and I haven't died. Some people might feel embarrassed, oh well.
Do things that scare you and find out for yourself.
THIS is the surefire way to build banging self-confidence.
What scares you most? Do that.
And I'm here to help you do it.
I help people build self confidence by being their own best friend. You and me 1-2-1 for 12 weeks. If you're interested in coaching with me book a free consult call on this link or email me jo@jorenshaw.com to set up a call time.
PS; I have the secrets to being your own best friend. Click here and you can have them too.


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