The ultimate in self-care

Opening my arms and welcoming myself home was the start of my glow up
Do it when you feel lost, when you're stuck, when you don't know what to do next, when you feel scared, when you want to run and hide, when you think the world sucks, when you think it's everyone else's fault.
Open your arms and say your name. Whisper it if you feel a little self conscious, shout it if you're home alone. Do it when you're walking the dog or shopping for groceries.
No one cares what you look like when you do this exercise. Really.
Welcome yourself back to yourself. Let yourself know 'this is where you belong, I've got you'
This is the ultimate in self-care.
This is where it begins. You & You.
Be your own best friend.
I help people be their own best friend. You & You and Me. 12 weeks of 1-2-1 sessions. If you want to know more and how to get started click here to book a free 45min call.
oh AND if you're not a member of my free facebook group 'How to be your own best friend' you can join by clicking this link.


What is Life Coaching?


Celebrate the crap out of it