You want a change of direction

Making changes by setting and working towards goals has a lasting and positive impact on your mental health and overall cognitive, emotional and behavioural well being.

Having the focus of a goal helps to boost self esteem, self confidence, self respect and productivity. Working on just one area of your life has been demonstrated to have a beneficial knock on affect to other areas of your life. Train for a marathon and watch your relationships improve. Loose weight and your financial life also benefits.

Because how we do one thing is how we do everything.

Working towards a desired outcome with the support of a Life Coach is a key component of being your own best friend.

➢ you will have a solution for the main problem that has been preventing you get to where you want to be.

➢ you’ll have a step by step plan to create the result you want.

➢ you’ll have the tools and confidence to get you to where you want to be.

➢ you will know the top three beliefs to practice to help you achieve your new goal.

➢ you’ll feel a renewed sense of possibility in your desires and dreams.

➢ you’ll be your own best friend.

By the time you complete this 6 week course…

This 6 week program is for you if….

➢ You are searching for direction and meaning in your life.

➢ You are committed to making the changes that you want, you’re just not sure of the best approach.

➢ You know that something is off course in your life and you want to get back on track.

➢ You’re ready to try a new approach to solving your problem.

➢ You are curious to know how working with a Life Coach helps.

➢ You resonate with me and want to work with me.

What’s involved and how does it work?

In this 6 week 1:1 Life Coaching program you’ll be supported to set and work towards a goal in a sustainable manner.

We begin by finding out what is important to you and set a clear goal for our time together. This first session will be 90mins.

After that, we’ll spend 45mins a week together online to identify obstacles, decide upon strategies, and create a plan based on thoughts and feelings and get massive action points on the calendar.

The assignments I’ll set you to complete between sessions will help you to overcome any fears and anxieties that arise as you go through this process.

This plan is designed to give you really practical tools to navigate the change of direction you want.


The investment to work with me is £750 / $950

This is for 6 sessions of coaching across 6 weeks. 

£750 / $950 to give you direction, focus and tools that you can use for the rest of your life

Payment Plans available

Six Weeks of Life Coaching

Six weeks of 1:1 Life Coaching will help you to find direction and meaning in your life and teach you the foundations for setting, working towards and achieving goals so that you can create the future you want. This program will help you to become your own best friend.

Choose from two payment options, Pay-in-full or two payments. Once payment is complete you’ll be given a calendar to book your first 90min session where we’ll deep dive and set your goal for the weeks to come.

  • “Jo helped me break down my sometimes complicated goals into clear priorities to focus on"


  • “I wouldn’t have been where I am now without the coaching sessions with Jo."


  • “Jo has enabled me to move forward with a clear plan to focus on what I want to achieve."


  • "I’ve lost a stone in the process in weight and improved my general nutrition and focus on my health drastically."


  • "I created a schedule, and all I had to do is just do the small action that was in front of me. I could do that because I wasn't overwhelmed by my internal world."


  • "I found our sessions very helpful in gaining clarity and focus on what was important to me moving forward."


  • "The way you patiently helped me reframe things has lifted an enormous burden from me."
